Random pics from our skill training camp
16:38 by Meghan
Here are some candid shots I took during our camp today. Mwahaha...I shall start of with Zach snoozing here....sorry dude, couldnt resist...
Another shot of the sleeping macho guy...Ian's expression is so CUTE!!! Mwahaha...
Haih, cant blame him for sleeping...afterall EVERYONE was doing the same thing...lolx ;P
.........PRISON BREAK (odac version-.-")......
Below are the products of hours of hammering and slaving tis mornin:
Haha say I'm biased or wtv, this is da best set of chair and table ever!!! Da gals made the table entirely!!!=) The guys helped for the chair. It looks IKEA-ish!!!
Whoops another shot of the pretty pink and green table-stool set=)
And another!!!...........Made in Singapore by ODAC 23! Yeah!!
This is 'Yi chao' (the stool complete with a glove)...hint hint....for the more dirty-minded people, think what "3-legged" actually means *winks*
Ah, well this is another group's. Interesting design, but workmanship lehs....-.-"
Btw, why are our handiworks much worse than what the kids actually have there? 0.o