
21:59 by Jia
Hihi i just got back from doing Group 4 journal at bermard's house. Was just looking through all the photos of everybody and couldn't help but notice how cute some people looked haha. (especially the boysgirls) Just kidding lol. So anyway, it aroused many feelings of nostalgia and poignant impressionism. I mean MAC happened just one week ago? =(

So anyways, the most random quote of the day comes from melmel who suddenly asked the boys: "Hey you guys wanna go shopping?!" And we were like going "WTH?!" Wasn't surprising that only germs went with her in the end lolzz.

And since I'm gonna have my neck kung-fu-chopped on monday, I part with thee with these words:
Though there are many things I haven't done
All's well when I look you in the eye.
So Death greets me warm
Now I will just say goodbye.

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