ODAC Birthday celebration
20:58 by Jia
Hey guys!
Thanks a lot for coming down today and making this day an extra special day for everyone! This celebration would not have been possible without the help of my trusty comrades Deshawn and Jiehui haha so let's congratulate them on the good effort ya? Anyway, Jiehui's sick, anyone wanna sign a get-well card for her? haha.
Anyway, here are some of the more interesting pics from the celebration:
Birthday Kids Fang Jin, Yix And Yappie!!
ODAC 23!! =))) (Most of us)
hmpf (Red shiny apple)
Yup, can everybody who took photos pls upload them? Ya those ppl who haven't uploaded the handover photos pls upload too grrrr. Thanks and all the best for JEX next wk! =)